Summary of Attribution info from RINEX headers. For each group of stations the point of contact(s) found in RINEX header information is provided below. CN20, CN21, CN23, CN24, CN25, CN30, TGMX, TGPM, TNAT, TNCC, TNCM, TNLC, TNMS, TNNX, TNTM Meghan Miller, UNAVCO Community, UNAVCO OXUM, TNAL, TNCN, TNCY, TNMO, TNMQ, TNNP, TNSJ, UAGU, UCOE, UGEO, UNPM, UTON, UXAL Enrique Cabral, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico BIJA, BON2, CABA, GRZA, HATI, LAFE, LEPA, PNE2, PUJE, PUMO, QSEC, VERA Timothy Dixon, University of Miami CGUI, JCFI, KIOS, ELMA, MOM0, MOMI, SCW2 Peter LaFemina, Pennsylvania State University MMD1, MMX1, MPR1, MTP1 Tom McHugh, FAA CNC0, ROA0 John Braun, UCAR GCEA, GCFS Lands and Survey,Cayman Islands Government Anthony Watts, CAYMAN COL2 Guideo Alejandro Gon, jmarellanov Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, GUAT Oscar Cruz Ramon, V. Robles, Vinicio Robles Perei, Instituto Geografico Nacional, Guatemala MANA Frank E Marion, NOAA, National Geodetic Survey G. Medina, Ramon Avilez, Instituto Nicaraguense de Estudios Terri MXMX SN Support, SmartNet North America SSIA Carlos Rodriguez, Jalmar Najarro,Wilfredo Amaya Zelay, Centro Nacional de Registros Frank E Marion, NOAA, National Geodetic Survey TECO Chuck DeMets, University of Wisconsin-Madison TEG2 Tomas Rojas, DGCG HGPA, HGTO, JAGU, MRCU, MXTO could not find info